Cruenti Dei Rules Supplement 1

CD Supplement 1 cover

by Thom Ryng
(author of The King in Yellow)

Paperback | Available through Lulu | $9.00

PDF | Free Download

This first rules supplement for Cruenti Dei is required for play. It may be downloaded at no cost as a PDF.

Cruenti Dei is a play-by-mail game of magic, diplomacy, and conquest in the epic fantasy tradition.

Each player rules a Realm on the continent of Sahûl, preparing for conquest. By force of arms, sorcery and intrigue, the player’s Realm expands, always under the watchful eye of its patron god. Vast armies clash on the field of battle, and steel rings upon steel as eldritch power crackles through the air above.

Who shall prove victorious? You? Or the powers who oppose you? Only time and the gods may tell…

Cruenti Dei: Player Rules and Sahûl Campaign Guide

Cruenti Dei: Sahûl cover

by Thom Ryng
(author of The King in Yellow)

Paperback | Available through Lulu | $25.00

This is the Players Rule Book for Cruenti Dei and also the campaign guide for the continent of Sahûl.

Cruenti Dei is a play-by-mail game of magic, diplomacy, and conquest in the epic fantasy tradition.

Each player rules a Realm on the continent of Sahûl, preparing for conquest. By force of arms, sorcery and intrigue, the player’s Realm expands, always under the watchful eye of its patron god. Vast armies clash on the field of battle, and steel rings upon steel as eldritch power crackles through the air above.

Who shall prove victorious? You? Or the powers who oppose you? Only time and the gods may tell…

Three Black Ravens


by Thom Ryng
(author of The King in Yellow)

Paperback | Available through Amazon | $11.95

This slim collection of Ryng’s poetry brings some of his strongest and most peculiar imagery together in one volume for the first time. It represents the ten years between 1996 and 2006 and includes “Tuesday”, “Songs for Arcadia”, and “A Voyage to Leonia”.

A tour de force of the Subminimalist imagination.

The lyric poetry of Master Drevandemes ranks with the greatest in all world literature. He lived in Zarkhandu Dynasty Sardarthion, but his influence has spanned the centuries: the pure lyricism of his verse has awed readers in Sahûl and beyond for nearly half a millennium.

Through Hildred Castaigne’s translations, Drevandemes became central to the Subminimalist revolution in the North. His work is suffused with the philosophies of the Nine Cherry Blossom School, but these seem not so much spiritual influences as the inborn form of his life. However ethereal in spirit, his poems remain grounded in everyday experience. In his poems we see our world and our selves transformed.

(some nonesense from the Back Cover)



by Kaspar Hauser
Paperback | Available through Amazon | $14.95

Few are those who tread the Dreamlands of the Earth, but fewer still those who return with something more than a wistful tale.

For years, Kaspar Hauser had a series of recurring dreams in which he carefully copied the contents of a book dedicated to Gods long since slumbering in the world we know. Gods with names like Thedeccan. Kemem. Azathoth.

This is that book.

The title page bore but one legible word: Eidolon.

I had no idea at the time why this word should terrify me so. On subsequent nights, and intermittently for nearly five years, other dreams followed. In some, I was a medieval scribe with quill and knife, copying a text; in others I was in the tower again, reading.

In one dream, near the end of the five years, I was a hunted fugitive, fleeing the tower and a ravening pack of unearthly hounds while clutching to my breast one of the large books. In the course of these five years, I wrote down everything I could remember.

(from the Introduction)

New Web Site

If you are reading this, you are certainly aware that our web site is undergoing a radical transformation.

You are also aware that most of the content from the old site is not yet up on the new one. This process will take (at least) several days, and we beg your indulgence and your patience in the meantime.

We are confident that the new format will greatly enhance our ability to get information into the hands of our friends and customers in a timely fashion.

So welcome to this, the fourth incarnation of our web site.

Welcome to Sardarthion Press

Sardarthion Press is a small press committed to publishing works of Lovecraftian fiction and quasi-fiction, authors of the Subminimalist Movement, and the literature of decay.

Sardarthion Press publishes Cruenti Dei, a PBeM game of magic, diplomacy, and conquest in the epic fantasy tradition.

Cruenti Dei is a nominee for this year’s Origins Award for PBM Game of the Year.