Cruenti Dei: Open for a Player

Turn 23 is now being processed, and we’ve got a number of potential openings coming up.

This post will be updated throughout processing, so be sure to check back!

The following positions are open. For each position, the religion and kindred are listed. For more information on these, check out this essay.


Northern continent of Oratoa

(Age of Heros)


Ancalimë: Urdan/Elvish. Woodland realm with good quality military under attack by several neighbouring countries.

Pros: Good military, good magic, potential alliance or vassalage with powerful neighbour.

Cons: At war with some of the big boys on the block.


Southern Continent of Sahûl

(Renaissance Age, imperial system)
NOTE: There may be some other positions opening up in Sahûl. Keep checking back!


Electoral Republic of Cappargarnia: Tarotist/Saurian and Wenemet. Influential but hated merchant republic located in the intellectual, cultural, and economic heart of the Empire. Right in the thick of the action.

Pros: Elector. Excellent quality military and sorcery. Decent military and intelligence assets.

Cons: Utterly hated and in a horrific war for its very survival. No real allies.


Lordship of Carcë: Urdan/Saurian. Vast steppe realm of fierce horseclans, in vassalage to the powerful Electoral County Palatine of Thace.

Pros: Excellent cavalry. Unwavering support of powerful overlord and other Urdan realms. Great storytelling opportunities.

Cons: Resource-poor and hemmed in.


Draconic Barony of Iäthedein: Urdan/Saurian. Small woodland barony established by the Urdan Holy Mother. Neighbour to a Wyrm, Tarotist Murali, and the Zarkhandu Yagnarists.

Pros: Good story possibilities, heavily supported by the other Urdans.

Cons: Hemmed in and tiny. Utterly dependent on the largesse of the other Urdans for survival.


Gornya Knjažestvo: Yagnarist/Gornya Rogami. This brand-new realm was recently recognized by the Empire. Located on the southern tundra, it is peopled by a new Kindred, the Gornya Rogami (Shaggy armored minotaur-like yaks with a Russian cultural emphasis).

Pros: Fantastic storytelling opportunities in a fatalist, out in Siberia, Dostoyevsky kind of way.

Cons: Small, poor, little urbanization, no religious sites, no appreciable military.


Puritan Crusaders: Tarotist/Wenemet. A hundred thousand screaming fundamentalist, puritan Tarotists bent on the utter destruction of the Yagnarist Electoral Queendom of Chi’tixi.

Pros: Powerful military.

Cons: Currently an unrecognized bandit kingdom. Might not survive the Turn. Who knows?


Lordship of Treskaw: Yagnarist/Wenemet and Saurian. Icy realm that recently rebelled from the Kingdom of Zarkhandu due to religious differences.

Pros: Good quality, if small, military. Potential support from co-religionists. Clark Ashton Smith could write an epic about the place.

Cons: Desperately poor. Possibly nasty neighbours. If the climate gets much colder, you’re finished.


Eastern continent of Efan

(Here be monsters)


There are also some decent positions left in the new (and mostly secret) continent of Efan.

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